Horiba Duetta Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer Tutorial
Duetta can be used as a fluorometer, as a UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer to measure absorbance, or as an instrument that measures true molecular fingerprints, which require the acquisition of fluorescence and absorbance, correcting for IFE in real time.
Click Absorbance and Transmission. There are other modes, but users are primarily focused on this mode.
Click Spectra
Make sure the setup conditions are adequate.
Set mode to both
Fill the cuvet with your sample
Name your sample and choose where you want it to save
For best results, wait for the lamps to warm up
Click Acquire
Load your sample by pressing down on the machine’s lid. Close the top.
Load a sample of deionized water when the software instructs you to load a blank.
Data Analysis
Under Acquire tab, you can toggle between Transmission, Absorbance, and Fluorescence.
Under the Process tab, you have the option of processing your data in many ways, including smoothing, finding peaks, fitting a curve, and more.
Under Export tab, you can save your data as a text, as an EzSpec file, or generate a report.
Shut down
Unload your sample
Push and hold power button until light shuts off. Shutting the machine down is important so that the lamp does not burn out.
Log out of the desktop
Cuvettes are in bottom drawer under sample prep bench, labeled “Spare Cuvettes”
Deionized water for dilution or blank samples is typically available in a squeeze bottom near the sink or the sample prep bench
When filling the cuvette, do not get the outside of the cuvette dirty (by spilling contents on it or by touching it with your fingers). This results in worse data quality and possibly dirtying the machine
Common failure modes
If your sample is too concentrated, some peaks will be cut off.