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The MIT DMSE Breakerspace is a materials exploration lab open to all undergraduates.

SOPs and tutorials

Horiba XploRA Confocal Raman Microscope Tutorial


Collect Raman spectra to idenfity compounds and observe other characteristics of a range of materials on our instrument, which is configured with 532nm, 638nm and 785nm lasers, and 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 gr/mm gratings.


Standard operating protocol:

Instrument startup:


Repeat steps as needed.

Instrument shut down:

Compatible materials and sample prep:

If you have any questions about whether a material is appropriate to characterize in the Breakerspace, please ask before bringing it to the lab.

Sample Prep:

Detailed operating instructions:

Our Raman system includes three lasers: 532nm, 638nm, and 785nm. The shorter wavelengths are higher energy, and will therefore generate a stronger signal, which is usually desirable. However, temperature-sensitive samples can be burned by the higher energy lasers, especially the 532nm. Also, materials that fluoresce will fluoresce more with higher energy lasers, and fluorescence will overwhelm the detector, making an Raman scattering difficult or impossible to distinguish from noise. When getting set up, we recommend starting with the 638nm laser, and moving to the 532nm if a stronger signal or higher signal/noise ratio is needed. If fluorescing is observed, switch to the 785nm laser. If the sample still fluoresces with the 785nm laser, the sample may not be conducive to Raman spectroscopy.

Our system includes four diffraction gratings. Light scattered off the sample, including Raman scattering, needs to be diffracted before it is measured by the detector so the detector can measure signal strength at discrete wavelengths. Our system has four gratings with 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 grooves/mm.

Generally, a coarser grating (600 gr/mm) will generate a narrower diffraction pattern, so the signal strength will be higher and the resolution will be lower (closely spaced peaks may merge into a single larger peak). The finer gratings give higher resolution results, but at the expense of signal strength.

Additionally, finer gratings produce a wider dispersion angle, meaning the diffraction pattern is physically wider than the CCD detector chip. This is overcome through using movable gratings that can be aimed to direct different segments of the diffracted signal onto the detector at different times. With an 1800 or 2400 gr/mm grating, it maybe necessary to reposition the grating five or more times in order to capture the full spectrum, whereas the CCD can typically capture the entire spectrum from one position when using the 600 gr/mm grating.

A typically workflow might be to load the sample, focus, and use the RTD feature (realtime display) to look for a signal using the 638nm laser and 600 gr/mm. Make sure the spectro is covering the portion of the spectrum that is displayed and where you expect to see key peaks. With this combination, the CCD should be able to capture the full with of the spectrum from one position. Refine focus for spectroscopy by rotating the joystick knob to control fine focus and maximize spectrometer signal strength. Once you are sure you’re seeing some key peaks and the general setup is working, select different laser/grating combinations based on your specific goals and collect relevant spectra.

Data processing and analysis:

Common failure modes:

Manufacturer’s manuals:
